Joel Rosenberg


Hope in the Midst of Jihadist Radicalism - Joel C. Rosenberg

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg shares about the nature of Jihadist radicalism in our world today from the Annual Chosen People Ministries Conference in Toronto.

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What does God’s call ‘to go’ look like in a person’s life?

Join us as The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman, Joel C. Rosenberg shares a story that reveals God’s call ‘to go’ can be as unique as the individual that the Lord calls.

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Portable Distribution Centers

The Joshua Fund distributes food and other humanitarian relief supplies to needy Israeli Jews and Arabs through distribution centers all throughout Israel. But what would happen during a crisis, be it war or natural disaster? How would we respond to unexpected needs that may arise in places where we don’t have a Distribution Center?

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The Salvation of Israel and Her Neighbors - Joel C. Rosenberg

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg walks us through the prophecy from the book of Ezekiel, chapters 38-39 from the Annual Chosen People Ministries Conference in Toronto. Are we seeing the prophetic significance to the events happening in our world today?

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Does God answer our prayers? Does He set the captives Free?

Join us as The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman, Joel C. Rosenberg shares on the effective power of our prayers.

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Chosen People Ministries Conference Introduction

In this brief introduction The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg shares the context behind the messages from the Annual Chosen People Ministries Conference in Toronto.

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What does the term ‘Epicenter’ mean? What is its Scriptural basis?

Join us as we listen and learn as The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman, Joel C. Rosenberg explains the meaning of the term ‘Epicenter’ from the book of Ezekiel.

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Thank You From Joel Rosenberg

Thank you for your prayer and support for the work the Lord is doing through The Joshua Fund in 2015. Because of you we are blessing Israel and the surrounding nations in the name of Jesus Christ.

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If God tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, why are there wars in the Middle East?

Let’s listen as Joel C. Rosenberg, Founder and Chairman of the Joshua Fund, encourages us to pray for peace.

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Are we witnessing the fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecies today?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg offers some prudent application in light of God’s Word.

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What are some of the benefits God provides to those who study prophecy in the Scriptures?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg shares some of the additional benefits we receive in studying Bible prophecy.

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Distribution Center Network Helps Local Believers Care for Needy

We share the love of God by first showing the love of God. Since our founding in 2006, The Joshua Fund has invested millions of dollars in helping care for Holocaust survivors, the elderly, single mothers, the homeless, widows, orphans, those with substance addictions and other poor and needy people through community Distribution Centers.

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Why should the present day church share the Gospel specifically with the Jewish people?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg gives us compelling reasons why we should never hold back in sharing the Gospel with His precious people.

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A Special Thank You To Our Donors

An additional word of thanks from The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman, Joel C. Rosenberg, as he shares several ways that your faithful prayer and generous financial support have touched the lives of Jewish and Arab families in Israel and the surrounding nations in real and practical ways with the love and message of Jesus Christ over the last year.

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Is there a message for us in the Lord asking us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg shares an insight from the book of Joel, Chapter 2 that could change our perspective as we pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

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2015 Donor Report Message from Joel C. Rosenberg

A word of thanks from The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman, Joel C. Rosenberg, as he shares a few specific ways that your faithful prayer and generous financial support have touched the lives of Jewish and Arab families in Israel and the surrounding nations in real and practical ways with the love and message of Jesus Christ over the last year.

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What does “Blow the Trumpet in Zion” mean to God’s people?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg gives practical application from Joel 2:18-32 for every follower of Jesus Christ, no matter where we go.

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Are the prophecies from the book of Joel good patterns for us today?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg shares an insight that could change the very way we pray.

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