Joel Rosenberg


How does The Joshua Fund care for the needy in Israel?

How does The Joshua Fund care for the needy in Israel? The Joshua Fund Executive Director, Tim Lugbill shares how God’s Faithfulness is making an impact in Israel through the Distribution Centers operated by volunteer Arab and Jewish believers.

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Committed to strengthening local congregations, pastors and ministry leaders in the Epicenter

Hear first hand how the Joshua Fund is committed to strengthening local congregations and encouraging the pastors and ministry leaders in the Epicenter.

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What does it mean to pray for the peace of Jerusalem?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman, Joel C. Rosenberg, reveals the importance of this prayer for each of us, no matter in what part of the world we live.

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Thank You from Joel C. Rosenberg

A word of thanks from The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman, Joel C. Rosenberg, as he shares a few specific ways that your faithful prayer and generous financial support have touched the lives of Jewish and Arab families in Israel and the surrounding nations in real and practical ways with the love and message of Jesus Christ over the last year.

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Fighting the Good Fight of Faith

The Joshua Fund walks and works with pastors in the region, many who tirelessly “fight this good fight of faith” on a daily basis.We have been honored to provide these faithful men an opportunity for a reprieve from the battle at a five-day retreat where they gather to study God’s Word, fellowship with other pastors and like-minded brothers.

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How can we be sensitive to the culture surrounding Jews who come to faith In Jesus Christ?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg gives us important insight into understanding the mindset of Jewish believers.

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For Israeli pastors currently serving congregations throughout the Land, a new Master’s degree program at a local Bible college has been set into motion. The program is geared for those currently serving as senior pastors, shepherds and ministry leaders – men who eagerly desire further equipping in the practical aspects of ministry.

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What was the Theme of the Earliest Teachings of Jesus That Brought Hope to the Region of Syria?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg gives us a renewed prayer focus that The Gospel of Jesus Christ would spread within the struggling country of Syria.

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Equipping the Saints for the Work of the Ministry

The Lord has opened up opportunities across the Middle East for The Joshua Fund to assist local pastors and church leaders by providing solid biblical teaching that brings refreshment to the soul, training in godly living, promoting discipleship, and providing counseling to those who have suffered traumatic life circumstances. Your gifts have made it possible to visit, encourage, and equip the saints for the work of the ministry. (Ephesians 4:12)

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Investing in the Next Generation

One of The Joshua Fund’s dearest ministry partners leads conferences and other activities in Israel where young adults can clearly hear the truth of the Gospel. The goal is to help these young adults personally know and understand Christ’s love for them and to help them become like Him.

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How can we be praying more specifically for Israelis and Palestinians?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg interviews Pastor Shmuel Aweida, who in the midst of faithfully teaching God’s word, acknowledges the need for prayer.

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The Power of Internet Evangelism

For most Israelis, nothing is as truly compelling and impactful as hearing the truth of the personal journey of another Israeli who has considered Jesus as Messiah and has now placed their full trust in Him.

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How might Radical Islamic Eschatology Compare with Biblical Eschatology?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman, Joel C. Rosenberg, reveals the startling similarities and stark differences between Biblical Eschatology and Radical Islamic Eschatology.

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What foundational principle does the book of Ezra reveal to our present day church?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman, Joel C. Rosenberg introduces Dr. Erez Soref, a native Israeli Bible teacher who brings an important reminder to the church.

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The Persecuted Church

Joel C. Rosenberg, Chairman and Founder of The Joshua Fund shares at the Family Research Council’s “Watchmen on the Wall National Briefing” on the persecution of the church that is occurring in the Middle East and how we can be praying for our brothers and sister in Christ during this difficult season.

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What Hope Does the Gospel Bring to the Kingdoms of This World During Our Current Troublesome Times?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg gives us a glimpse of how the Kingdom of God will look under the reign of Jesus Christ.

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Can our prayers change God’s plans?

In this video, Joe Focht, pastor of Calvary Chapel Philadelphia, sheds light on this timely question in a lesson that is applicable to all nations.

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A Heart to Serve Refugees

The Joshua Fund is thankful for the opportunity to fund like minded ministry partners, who provide food, Bibles and Christian literature to nearly 2,600 refugee families in order to help them start a new life with Christ.

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