Joel Rosenberg


Pray with us . . . for the residents of Israel and the peace of Jerusalem

Please join The Joshua Fund in praying for the peace of Jerusalem, for geopolitical peace but also spiritual peace through the Prince of Peace our Lord Jesus Christ.

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An Update From Joel C. Rosenberg – The Refugee Crisis

In this update, The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg shares how The Joshua Fund along with our ministry partners in the region are bringing essential aid and spiritual encouragement to the suffering and persecuted in the Middle East.

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Audio Interview – Sharing the love of Christ with the People of Syria

Listen to the audio interview with The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg and one of our ministry partners in the region as they share how you and other believers around the world are helping local Arab believers deliver the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well as caring for the practical needs of many refugees in the Epicenter.

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Yom Kippur – The Day of Atonement

Yom Kippur was, and is, the most solemn and important day in the Jewish calendar, beginning at sundown Tuesday, September 22 through Wednesday, September 23, 2015. Once a year on the Day of Atonement, the High Priest was permitted to enter the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle to approach the Lord where His Spirit resided. While the Old Covenant sacrifices were provisional and recurring, they could only cover man’s sin. For the Follower of Jesus Christ, the sacrifice through Jesus’ death and resurrection is eternal and totally sufficient. The moment one places his trust in the Messiah’s sacrifice upon the Cross, the sin question is settled forever. There is no longer a need for continual sacrifices; we are assured that we have life – not just for another year, but for eternity.

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Session 2 - Jeremiah’s Times

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg teaches a survey of the Book of Jeremiah entitled “Living like Jeremiah In a Time of Coming Judgment “ – Session 2 Jeremiah’s Times.

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The Feast of Trumpets – Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah begins the season of the fall feasts and was considered the holiest time of the year. Because the Feast of Trumpets was the first of the three, over centuries it came to be called Rosh Hashanah, literally meaning “Head of the Year,” or New Year’s Day. It is intended as a celebration marking a “spiritual” new year, a special time set apart for a new beginning with the Lord.

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What can we learn about God’s call on our lives from Ezekiel 33?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg shares his insights on this important Scripture.

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A Prayer Request From Joel C. Rosenberg

Join the Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg as he shares a prayer request for several of our ministry partners in Israel who will be holding Bible camps for young people during the next month.

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Blowing the Trumpet Session One – Introduction to the book of Joel by Joel C. Rosenberg

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg begins the Seminar with an introduction to the study of the Book of Joel by posing two questions. The first being ‘Why should we study Bible prophecy’ and the second ‘Why should we study the book of Joel’?

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Looking at the State of the Union in the United States from a Biblical Perspective (Preview)

This video features highlights from a message by The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg, as he takes a sobering look at the state of our union in the United States from a biblical perspective.

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Looking at the State of the Union in the United States from a Biblical Perspective

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg, takes a sobering look at the state of our union in the United States from a biblical perspective.

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Want to learn more of what the Word of God says about Israel?

View the new video messages that are available on the Educational Resources page of the website to learn more about what the Word of God says about Israel and the surrounding nations. • Understanding what the Word of God says about Israel from the Old Testament with Dr. Norman Geisler. • Understanding what the Word of God says about Israel from the New Testament with Dr. Michael Rydelnik • Understanding the Scriptures Concerning Israel’s Neighbors with The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg

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Blowing the Trumpet Session Two – The Harbingers Joel 1 by Anne Graham Lotz

Anne Graham Lotz teaches from the first chapter of the book of Joel. She examines the question, “Where might we be in the time of human history? We will know because God has promised to send us harbingers to let us know when the end is near.”

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Blowing the Trumpet Session Three – The Hope Joel 2:1-17 by Anne Graham Lotz

A Message From Anne Graham Lotz as she shares from the book of Joel 2:1-17.

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Blowing the Trumpet Session Four – Joel 2:18-32 by Joel C. Rosenberg

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg shares from the book of Joel 2:18-32.

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Blowing the Trumpet Session Five – Joel 3 by Joel C. Rosenberg

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg shares from the book of Joel 3.

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Blowing the Trumpet Session Six – Ezekiel 33:1-9 by Joel C. Rosenberg

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg shares from the book of Ezekiel 33:1-9.

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Blowing the Trumpet Session Seven – Jesus is Coming! Matthew 24 by Anne Graham Lotz

A Message From Anne Graham Lotz as she shares from the book of Matthew Chapter 24.

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