Joel Rosenberg


You. Helping the Youth in Egypt study God’s Word

One of our ministry partners in Egypt has a mission to provide the Word of God across their nation. Please be praying as they complete a project to provide the Book of Habakkuk, translated into colloquial Egyptian, which was created especially for teenagers.

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You. Helping Us Share the Gospel in Israel

“Me and my friends really enjoy your videos, they give us strength and point us to the truth. Since we believed in Yeshua (Jesus), our lives have changed for the better."

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Learn How You are Blessing Children in The Epicenter

In 2017, you will be assisting almost 300 children in learning Arabic, English, math, music, art, health awareness and biblical character traits through a refugee tent city school operated by a Joshua Fund ministry partner.

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Learn how your gifts and prayers are sharing the Gospel in Israel

The Lord continues to use your gifts and prayers to bless a ministry partner in Israel that serves young adults.

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Learn How You Are Blessing Women in Israel

“Many women gave their lives to the Lord at the annual Mother’s Day celebration." - A TJF ministry partner in Israel

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God is Faithful - Reflections from Joel C. Rosenberg

“What excites me is that amidst the worst persecution in the modern history of the Church, we are seeing the greatest harvest of souls in the Muslim world in the history of the Church." - Joel C. Rosenberg

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How are Muslims discovering the Gospel in the difficult territory of Iraq?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg explores the answer to this question with Pastor Ray Bentley of Maranatha Chapel.

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God is Faithful to Equip and Encourage the Body of Christ in The Epicenter

Three ways you helped make a difference in Israel’s Neighboring nations

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What opportunities can we find for the Gospel in areas such as the West Bank?

The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg looks to Pastor Skip Heitzig of Calvary Chapel Albuquerque for this compelling insight.

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God is Faithful to Accomplish His Purposes in His Way

“God really works in amazing ways. Only through God we can really put together in one classroom Jews and Arabs to study the Scriptures together as one." – A local ministry in Israel

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God is Faithful to Provide All That Is Needed For His Work

“We rejoice as we see God’s faithfulness in financial provision. This is something that we have seen since the very inception of the ministry and this year was no exception." – A ministry partner in Israel

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International Holocaust Remembrance Day January 27, 2017

On January 27th, we solemnly mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the date on which the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp was liberated by the Soviet Army troops in 1945.

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How can we come alongside Believers in the Middle East?

“Their stories read straight from the book of Hebrews and Acts – to be so joyful in the midst of difficulty and suffering that we cannot even imagine." – A ministry partner serving in Syria

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God is Faithful to Do More Than We Could Ask or Think

“Almost eight years ago I started this ministry with one student. Today, we have a team working together and over 90 students. It’s not just the support that amazes us, it’s the people that God continues to bring to us who need Jesus, who need the Gospel to bring healing into their lives.” – An evangelistic ministry in Israel

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God is Faithful to Care for The Needy and The Displaced

“One young, devout Muslim woman fled Syria seeking a safe place for her two daughters, mother and two sisters after her husband was killed in the war.

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God is Faithful to Call His Children to Himself

“I am 23 and grew up in a Jewish Orthodox family. My stepfather is part of an extreme religious group in Judaism, and they sent me to an Orthodox boarding school in Israel. I asked once about Yeshua [Jesus] and was told to never ask about Him again.

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God is Faithful to Touch A Hurting Heart

“One Syrian refugee family settled in Jordan and we were providing food for their daily needs. This man, Makmoud, was the most intimidating man I have ever met. I was threatened by his very presence each time I visited their home to drop off their food package.

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