Noa’s Story: On Giving Tuesday 2021 | Humanitarian


Giving Tuesday 2021: The beautiful old city of Jerusalem has seen its fair share of war. Even recently, there have been riots in the streets and explosions in the skies.

As a result, the poor in Israel are hurting spiritually, physically, and financially. The rockets and riots have added hurt to the life of the poor, bringing further troubles of stress, anxiety, worry, suspicion, and hostility between Jews and Arabs.

During this time of crisis, how can we help?

Our ministry partner, Noa*, has a vision for the needy in the old city of Jerusalem. She dreams of helping people get their lives back on track and find jobs. Noa knows she can coach others in these circumstances because she was once desperate.

The food baskets are just the first step. Now that relationships are building, Noa offers her assistance in finding a way back into the job market. Resumes, interviews, even the initial job search can be daunting. Still, Noa will walk them through the journey ahead when those she serves are ready for it. Yet who will accept personal care and coaching when where to get their next meal consumes their minds? They know they can trust Noa to train them. She has already shown unconditional love.

Noa is helping them cope with their inability to secure nourishment. "Food baskets are a way to open relationships," Noa says. She already has started a ministry to feed the hungry.

Noa recruits volunteers and trains them, and sends them out with food to give to low-income families. But, she knows that the poor need much more than a box of food. They need a lifeline.

We thank you for your generous gifts that have made food distribution to the hungry of Jerusalem possible, along with many other vital programs to help those in need.

Would you consider giving a one-time donation of $50 or more to increase the reach of ministries like Noa's on this Giving Tuesday? The number of people in need continues to rise. The people of Israel are caught in a dark geopolitical time while also experiencing the effects of the health crisis.

Will you help show God's love to the poor of Israel?


*Names are changed to protect identities.

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