Israel Cave Dwellers Receive Humanitarian Aid

In a region where rockets have recently flown indiscriminately towards homes in southern Israel, ministers in the desert, Danny* and Samira* have seen many unique dwellings.

None have compared to Ahmed’s family home.

Ahmed* grew up in a small cave carved in the side of an arid mountain south of Jerusalem. While he and his siblings do not live in their childhood home, they use it as a shared space with a nearby 500-gallon water tank and stored refrigerator.

Their “tribe” of five families currently lives in tiny shacks with no connection to either water or electricity. They must pay to have their communal water tank filled regularly, but it is costly.

Work is scarce, and pay is low when any work is acquired where Ahmed’s family lives. Their citizenship classification makes them ineligible to work in Israel, making it challenging to earn a living and pay for basic living expenses. Ahmed’s “tribe” of Palestinian families is exceedingly grateful for the nourishing food packages they have received through the help of donors like you.

Because of your generous gifts, these siblings and their families experience the love of Christ and relief from a tremendous burden, and we can help fund other critical programs.

Would you consider giving a one-time gift of $150 or more? We are in a turbulent time, and families like Ahmed’s increasingly need food and relief. Yet, with the support of compassionate friends like you, we can continue to share God’s love powerfully.


Please keep Ahmed’s “tribe” in prayer, along with the many other families around them who are struggling to provide necessities. You are the hands and feet of Christ who share with those who need it the most. The Joshua Fund is grateful to have you as a partner in our ministry.

*Names have been changed to protect identities.

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