Pastor Jeff Fadness Of Calvary Chapel Pocatello, Idaho, Endorses The Joshua Fund

The Joshua Fund has continually impressed my wife, Christina, and me from the start of our relationship with them. Their ministry passion provides a visible source of encouragement and support for ministers and congregations in Israel and her neighboring nations.

Since our first ministry trip with The Joshua Fund in February of 2014, we have had the privilege of seeing and experiencing the ministry’s caring nature. Whether it is the annual Preach the Word retreats they host or sharing a meal with someone laboring diligently in the land who needs encouragement, we love the relational emphasis at the heart of The Joshua Fund.

By providing Russian translation services, I’ve observed accounts of how this ministry is making a difference. I have the honor of communicating that back to English-speaking staff. It can be hard to find the words to adequately convey the depth of impact realized in those sacred moments.

While serving as missionaries in Russia, my wife and I attempted to live out Paul’s example while ministering in Thessalonica. In Paul’s words reflecting on his time there, he writes, “So, affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives because you had become dear to us” (1 Thessalonians 2:8).

We have witnessed this first-hand, as we have had the privilege of being a part of many meetings, meals, and memorable moments of personal and encouraging ministry with the saints in Israel and the Palestinian Territories.

In travels with The Joshua Fund, it has become abundantly clear they are investing in relationships with many believers and have been for a long time. Deep trust continues to flourish; that does not happen with a one-time visit. The Joshua Fund’s dedication and consistency to the goal of building up the body of Christ, and equipping individual saints specifically, has borne much visible fruit!

We fondly remember servants we have met. They are in northern Israel, in the south, in Palestinian Territories, laboring and laying down their lives for the sake of the Kingdom. They have been significantly encouraged in these endeavors through the ministry and work of The Joshua Fund.

We heartily encourage anyone interested in advancing Gospel work in this region to give without reservation, knowing that the funds provided are used prayerfully and strategically for that purpose.


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