Life Near the Israeli-Lebanon Border

Joel discusses the impact on the region's soldiers and civilians and the urgent need to support and minister to those serving on the front lines as the conflict intensifies between Israel and Hezbollah.

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Special Update: Threat at Israel-Lebanon Border

Joel addresses the potential danger ahead, highlighting the threat of Hezbollah and its 150,000+ sophisticated missiles that could be aimed at Israel.

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A Bomb Landed On Amir’s* Home In Syria—His Family Lost Everything

Amir began writing poems of pain describing his family’s anger, sadness, and homesickness. He focused on doing well in school to one day help his family out of their present poverty.

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The Rapid Response Fund

One Joshua Fund partner decided to immediately help. From picking up debris and shattered glass, to covering windows with plastic, there will be work to be done for many months, with some 300,000 displaced persons.

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You. Showing God’s Love to the Lost and Hurting

“Michael, his name changed for security purposes, thought his work among the refugees was simply ‘showing the love of Jesus’ to the lost and hurting." – A ministry partner in Lebanon

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You. Ministering God’s Love to Refugees in Lebanon

Lebanon has now reached a point where almost half of the country’s population consists of refugees. Please pray with us and our ministry partners as we seek the Lord on how best to share the Good News among the refugees in Lebanon.

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Thousands of refugees are flooding over the borders into Lebanon, Jordan and the surrounding nations. We know that you, our friends and prayer partners, care deeply about this situation and want to know how to pray. You are asking, “What is happening? Is there any hope? What is God doing?”

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Pray with us . . . for Syria, Lebanon and Iraq as the violence continues to escalate

Please join The Joshua Fund in praying for the people of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq as the escalating violence in Syria has inflamed tensions in Lebanon and throughout the region.

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Pray with us . . . For those in the path of the double bombings in Lebanon

Please join The Joshua Fund in praying for safety, comfort and protection for the people of Beirut, Lebanon as double bombings near the Iranian Embassy killed at least 23 and injured a reported 147. Follow the link below for the full prayer request.

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Pray with us . . .

While our hope and expectation is not tied to our political leaders, but to God, we are also exhorted in Scripture to pray for our leaders and therefore we encourage you to join The Joshua Fund in praying for world leaders as they are gathered in New York at the United Nations. Join us in asking for the Lord’s wisdom and guidance in this fragile world environment.

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Reports of Israeli Jets Attacking Convoy

The Times of Israel has reported that warplanes from Israel have attacked a target on the Lebanese-Syrian border.

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