Joel Rosenberg


‘Oldest Torah’ found in University of Bologna

The Times of Israel reported that a 12th-century scroll was discovered in an Italian university library after being mistakenly catalogued in 1889. Mauro Perani, a professor of Hebrew in the university's cultural heritage department, was updating the library's Hebrew manuscript catalogue when he stumbled upon the scroll in February.

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Archaeologists warn Western Wall project threatens history

The Times of Israel reported that archaeologists expressed deep concern over construction and renovation works at the Western Wall enclosure in Jerusalem’s Old City, Maariv reported Tuesday. The work, they said, would greatly damage artifacts under the plaza floor, which would be lost forever.

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Prayer Point: Increased Tensions on Syrian Border

Tensions continue in the north of Israel on the Syrian border.

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Spring Newsletter is Here

Joel C. Rosenberg explores God's love for both the Jews and Arabs.

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Pentecost Shavuot

On behalf of The Joshua Fund board and staff, we want to wish all of our Jewish and Israeli friends a blessed and peaceful Pentecost Shavuot. Please join us in praying for the peace of Jerusalem, for the peace of all people in the epicenter, wisdom for the leaders of the region, as well as for U.S. leaders.

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Soviet Jewish WWII veterans speak about their time in Red Army

Fox News reported that some of those who fought in the Red Army served in the highest levels of command. About 200,000 Soviet Jewish soldiers fell on the battlefield or into German captivity.

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Jerusalem Day stats reveal Capital home to 804,400

Jerusalem Day is a national holiday commemorating the reunification of the city after East Jerusalem was captured during the Six Day War in 1967. It is celebrated primarily by Israel’s national religious community.

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Leaving everything for a life in Israel

A moment before they land at Ben-Gurion Airport, American Jews explain why they decided to leave their entire life behind and make aliyah.

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Israel Museum unveils Hebrew tablet

The Times of Israel and The Associated Press reported the ‘Gabriel Stone’ is the most important Israeli inscription found in the area since the Dead Sea Scrolls, scholars say.

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Israel shoots down drone from Lebanon

Now the question is how Hezbollah react?

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Rocket Fire responsibility claimed by Salafi Group

Mujahideen Shura Council of Jerusalem says fire at Eilat was in response to killing of Palestinians near Einav settlement. Egypt establishes team to check source of fire.

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Masada, the history of the fortress in the sky

After the fall of Jerusalem, and destruction of the Holy Temple in 70 C.E., hundreds of Jews joined the Sicarii on the mountaintop of Masada.

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War Preparations in the Epicenter Region

At The Joshua Fund, we are diligently praying for the peace of Jerusalem, while also continuing to be prepared in the event of war.

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Israel Independence Day April 16, 2013

As we rejoice over the 65th anniversary of the modern State of Israel, few Americans really understand how close the U.S. government came to refusing to support the rebirth of Israel in 1948. In an article by Joel C. Rosenberg, he outlines the historic events that culminated in the establishment of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948.

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6 Ways to Celebrate the Prophetic Rebirth of the Jewish State

On April 16, 2013, we rejoice over the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the modern State of Israel. As we celebrate Israel’s Independence Day, we remember that God had foretold Israel’s restoration and has established her once again after thousands of years.

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President Obama & King Abdullah II warned of dangers posed by Syria & Iran

The Washington Post reported that President Obama and King Abdullah II of Jordan warned Friday of the mounting danger Syria’s widening civil war poses to this neighboring kingdom but offered only fresh demands that the Assad government step down immediately.

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It is the Passover sacrifice of the LORD

“It is the Passover sacrifice of the LORD, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt when He struck the Egyptians and delivered our households.” So the people bowed their heads and worshiped. – Exodus 12:27

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President Obama arrives in Israel?

Haaretz reported that U.S. President Barack Obama arrived in Israel early Wednesday afternoon, and was greeted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Shimon Peres, and all of the ministers of Israel's recently formed government. Follow the moments of his visit.

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