Israel in Crisis: The Joshua Fund Responds

Israel in Crisis: The Joshua Fund Responds

We are witnessing the darkest hour in Israel’s modern history.

More Jews have been murdered in the last week than at any other time since the Holocaust.

Our team is on the ground in Israel, continuing to bring food and resources to the needy.


The Joshua Fund is in a unique position right now. Many international Christian organizations serving in Israel are staffed by foreigners with visas.

The Joshua Fund has Israelis who know the language, the culture, and the needs. We are assessing and meeting those needs – even with the current risks.

Our team has reported rockets flying overhead as they bring crucial resources to our network of local believers and partnering ministries.

During one trip to deliver food and supplies, our team had to stop multiple times on the side of the road to seek shelter behind the highway barriers as rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome directly over their heads.

Please pray for their protection as they work tirelessly to bless those in need.

Pray for our ministry partners as well – especially those who have experienced the horror of these terror attacks firsthand. One partner in the south sent us this heartbreaking report:

“For the first time of our life here, we heard “Allah[u] Akbar” ["Allah is greater" in Arabic] yelling and shots of automatic weapons outside. Our kids were in a panic as we sat in the shelter room. After 15-20 minutes, I received horrible photos of the terrorists driving and walking down our streets, shooting at people, cars, and the windows of residential buildings."

“On our street, literally meters away from our building, the bus stopped to let people out so they could run to the shelter. Unfortunately, the pickup truck with Hamas terrorists was passing by at the same time and opened fire. Several people were murdered instantly. The same was happening in other neighborhoods.”


Over the last 17 years, The Joshua Fund has raised and invested almost 100 million dollars in humanitarian relief and ministry to the Epicenter. Through local partners, we care for those in need and victims of war and terror here in Israel and throughout the region.

We love and serve both Jews and Palestinians, as well as others in the land.

It’s an honor to do this work, but it’s not without cost.

And right now, it’s the worst we’ve ever been through, and we’re trying to be faithful to all the requests and needs that are coming.

By giving to the RAPID RESPONSE FUND, you are meeting those needs and providing critical aid in the form of housing, food, and hygiene products to families displaced by the terror attacks.

Through our partners, those funds will also supply toys for children forced to relocate and counseling for children and families experiencing trauma and anxiety.

We know that the needs will only grow in the days and weeks ahead—and so will our response.

We’ve seen a generous outpouring of support from so many in such a short period. We’re incredibly grateful for that; those funds are already making a difference in Israel.

We pray for a quick end to this gruesome war, but know the long-lasting impact it will have on Israelis and so many others. 

Our relief efforts and ministry to the people of the Epicenter have no end date.

This is an extremely difficult time. Thank you for loving Israel and Her Neighbors and standing with us in this moment as we serve both in the name of Jesus.

God Bless you.



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