Pray with us . . .

Pray with us . . .

Please join The Joshua Fund in praying for the rapidly developing crisis in Syria.

Please be praying specifically for the people of Syria for safety and protection, from the real physical danger as well as the fear of the unknown. 

  • Please be praying for the churches in Syria that have been so affected, homes destroyed, loss of family members, loss of friends. Pray that the churches will find forgiveness in their hearts toward those who have taken so much from them.
  • Please pray for wisdom for the pastors and church leaders as they minister directly in the middle of a war zone.
  • Please pray for the protection of those who follow Jesus inside Syria, that He will give them great faith, great strength and great boldness during these fearful times.
  • Please pray for the basic needs of the people of Syria, for safety, food, water and shelter in this war-weary land.

'Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.'  Jeremiah 33:3


Please be praying for the world’s leaders to have wisdom and discernment, and to thoughtfully and prayerfully weigh the decisions that are before them. We pray the world’s leaders would turn to God in prayer in this crisis.  May they be guided by God with “wisdom from above,” not earthly wisdom.

Thank you for prayerfully standing with all of the people of the epicenter during this crisis.


The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes. Proverbs 21:1


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