Pray with us . . .

Pray with us . . .

Please join The Joshua Fund in praying for the people of Syria, Egypt, and Israel:
• For the people of Syria, that God will bring His grace and mercy to that war torn country and bring an end to the violence.
• For the people of Egypt, that there will be an end to the violence and the threat of civil war. That the Lord will bring a season of calm and stability to the region.
• For the people of Israel, who live in the midst of this dangerous region, pray for peace in Israel and the peace of Jerusalem.

Thank you for prayerfully standing with us in this critical moment for our brothers and sister in the region.
May God bless you.

As for the Almighty, we cannot find Him; He is excellent in power, In judgment and abundant justice; He does not oppress. Job 37:23

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