Studying Bible Prophecy: Part 2 (Matthew 24 & 25) | Joel C. Rosenberg | The Joshua Fund

Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund, Joel C. Rosenberg, delivers the second teaching of a two-part series on biblical prophecy, this time from Matthew 24-25.

All Content In This Series:

View Session 1 - Testimonies: How The Joshua Fund Was Born | Joel & Lynn Rosenberg | The Joshua Fund
Founders of The Joshua Fund share their testimonies about how the organization was born, including an endearing bit of their love story.

View Session 2 - Studying Bible Prophecy: Part 1 (Ezekiel 33) | Joel C. Rosenberg | The Joshua Fund
Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund, Joel C. Rosenberg, delivers an Epicenter Briefing teaching on Studying Bible Prophecy. In the first episode of a two-part series on prophecy, Joel addresses the Old Testament passage of Ezekiel 33.

View Session 3 - Studying Bible Prophecy: Part 2 (Matthew 24 & 25) | Joel C. Rosenberg | The Joshua Fund
Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund, Joel C. Rosenberg, delivers the second teaching of a two-part series on biblical prophecy, this time from Matthew 24-25.

View Session 4 - Ezekiel 38-39: The War Of Gog & Magog | Joel C. Rosenberg | The Joshua Fund
The Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund, Joel C. Rosenberg, teaches on prophecy concerning the War of Gog and Magog from Ezekiel 38 & 39 during an Epicenter Briefing Conference.

View Session 5 - Prophecy: The Future Of The Middle East | Joel C. Rosenberg | The Joshua Fund
Joel C. Rosenberg, Founder of The Joshua Fund, teaches about Biblical prophecy that highlights the future of the Middle East. This teaching is from October 2019.

View Session 6 - Partnering With Local Believers In Israel | Men’s Panel | The Joshua Fund
Victor Kalisher (Bible Society In Israel), Wayne Pederson (Board Member With The Joshua Fund), and Jeremy Grafman (Director of Special Projects In Israel For The Joshua Fund) discuss The Joshua Fund's philosophy for ministry in "Partnering With Local Believers In Israel."

View Session 7 - Challenges, Opportunities for Women Believers in the Epicenter | Women’s Panel | The Joshua Fund
Joshua Fund volunteer, Angie Grafman, addresses "Challenges, Opportunities for Women Believers in the Epicenter" in an interview with Esther Kalisher (Student, Israel College of the Bible) & Lynn Rosenberg (Co-Founder of The Joshua Fund).

View Session 8 - A Challenge: What Is God Asking Of Us? | Joel C. Rosenberg | The Joshua Fund
Joel C. Rosenberg, founder, and chairman of The Joshua Fund shares Biblical teaching from Matthew 24, including a message on giving, and a challenge to Christians. This teaching is from a recent Epicenter Briefing in October of 2019.


Question & Answer Session With Joel C. Rosenberg

View How Many Messianic Or Jewish Believers Are There In Israel? | Joel C. Rosenberg | The Joshua Fund
Joel C. Rosenberg, the founder and chairman of The Joshua Fund, discusses how many Messianic or Jewish believers there are in Israel now and during the rebirth of Israel during a question and answer session in October of 2019.

View Where Will The 3rd Temple Be Built In The Last Days? | Joel C. Rosenberg | The Joshua Fund
Joel C. Rosenberg, founder and chairman of The Joshua Fund, addresses the question, "Where will the 3rd Temple be built in the last days?"

View Do You See A Rise In Anti-Semitism In Bible Prophecy? | Joel C. Rosenberg | The Joshua Fund
Joel C. Rosenberg, the chairman and founder of The Joshua Fund, answers the question, "Do you see a rise in antisemitism as it relates to Bible prophecy?"

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