Pray with us . . . For the people of Israel in the wake of escalating violence
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you. Psalm 122:6
Please join The Joshua Fund in asking the Lord to bring His true peace to the Land of Israel. As the nation continues to be rocked by violence, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6) and the entire nation of Israel. We seek God’s protection over His people and ask God’s comfort for those who have lost loved ones in the violence.
Please also be praying:
- That believers in Israel and the West Bank would be salt and light in these intense moments – Matthew 5:13-15
- That His children would everywhere exude “the fragrance of Christ” – 2 Corinthians 2:14, 15
- For the specific protection of believers who have been called to put themselves in harm’s way during this moment of great difficulty.
- For the Lord to comfort people on both sides of the conflict, reveal His Word to them, and draw them to Himself.
Please pray that The Joshua Fund team would know how best to demonstrate Christ’s love and compassion during this time of strife and unrest. Thank you for prayerfully standing with people in the Holy Land in this critical moment.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33