Join Us on our Alaska Cruise!
Dear Friends,
We want to invite you to join us in Alaska!
It’s going to be an unforgettable time together.
Imagine all that is waiting for us in the wonder of the Great North. Share conversations with friends as we gaze at the snow-capped mountains and towering glaciers. Watch bald eagles soar, whales glide through the ocean and bears in the distance from the safety of our cruise ship.
As we travel together, I can’t wait to share about God’s heart and plan for the Epicenter® and all that he is doing through his Church during this tumultuous time in the Middle East.
We’ll also have dedicated times of prayer and worship together. Cruising through the majesty of Alaska as we lift our voices to our Creator will be a powerful experience.
We’ll pray, laugh and learn together. There are few things better than putting an Alaska cruise on the calendar to look forward to, especially one with The Joshua Fund.
Lynn and I hope to see you there!