Bible Prophecy Project: Volume 3.2
Here are FOUR questions Christians should be asking regarding RUSSIA and the LAST DAYS.
- How much longer will God allow Czar Putin and his evil regime to continue massacring Ukrainians, and sending Russian soldiers to be slaughtered in Ukraine?
- When will God bring Putin and his regime to justice?
They’ve perpetrated so much wickedness against the Russian people and so many others that they have invaded, from Georgia to Syria to Ukraine. - Is it possible that ancient End Times prophecies — specifically those described in the biblical Book of Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39, (what Bible scholars refer to as the “War of Gog and Magog”) — refer to the coming judgment of Russia and its leaders and allies?
- Could the War of Gog and Magog come to pass in our lifetime, and maybe even soon?
In this video, I unpack and explore Ezekiel’s famous (and so far unfulfilled) prophecies from chapters 38 and 39 at some length.

I explain why many — though certainly not all — Bible prophecy scholars believe that Ezekiel refers to a divine and cataclysmic judgment of Russia and its top leaders that will happen one day, even though the word “Russia”never appears in the text.
Using a good deal of what I call “historical detective work,” I also seek to shed light on the other strange words used in Ezekiel’s text and explain why many Bible scholars believe these ancient terms refer to specific modern-day countries that Russia will draw into a coalition to surround and attack Israel in the “last days” of human history.

In light of Russia dominating the headlines in recent years, my colleagues and I hope that you will take some time to watch this new video and to share it on social media with family and friends.
We also hope that you will take some time to prayerfully process the video — to use it as a catalyst to study Ezekiel’s prophecies more closely for yourself — and to ask the Lord how you and your family should live differently in light of what the Lord is determined to tell us.
After all, as I note in these videos, Bible prophecies are “an intercept from the mind of the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful God of the universe,” designed to give us “advance warning” of specific events that will happen in specific countries before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to earth.