Pray with us . . . For refugees fleeing Syria and for those who choose to remain

Pray with us . . . For refugees fleeing Syria and for those who choose to remain

Please join The Joshua Fund in praying for safety and provision for refugees fleeing Syria, and for the basic necessities of food, water and shelter as many of these displaced people are in dire need.

Also please be praying for the safety of the church inside Syria, particularly for pastors who have chosen not to flee’ but to stay to encourage and shepherd their congregations. We join you in continuing to pray for peace and stability in Syria and throughout the epicenter region.

Thank you for standing prayerfully with all people in the epicenter during this critical time.


For Syrian refugees in Jordan, aid from Israel comes in a purple bag

Buoyed by donations from Jewish groups around the world, an Israeli agency helps distribute relief one purple bag at a time

The Times of Israel reported about Sultana who is 23 years old and very hungry. She grew up in the suburbs east of Damascus, but when her house was firebombed by an airplane belonging to the Syrian regime, she fled the city in the night along with her husband and their five children.

Together, the group trekked south toward safety across the Jordanian border, adding their numbers to the hundreds of thousands of refugees who have swarmed this remote, impoverished corner of the Hashemite Kingdom while Syrian President Bashar Assad’s reign of terror shows no signs of abating.

Sultana and her family were initially placed in one of the two UN mega-camps in the region, which have swelled into bona fide cities of transients and their tents. Like other refugees, she declined to have her last name used out of security concerns.

Fearing infection and frustrated with the overcrowding, Sultana and her family took their tents and moved to a smaller outpost, one of a handful of ad hoc mini-camps that have popped up amid the arid plains near the Jordanian town of Al-Mafraq. She may not realize it, but now her food, cooking oil and cleaning supplies come to her thanks to an Israeli aid organization and a network of Jewish donors across the Diaspora, including the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, the AJC, World Jewish Relief and the Pears Foundation.

Read The Times of Israel article, October 20, 2013

Photo caption: Mickey Alon

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